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SV9-11-13 - sewer cleaning equipment.
Hopper voided volume, m3
9 - 13
Clean water tank , L
3000 - 5000
Water compartment type
Side water tank
Wheelbase, mm
3300 - 4200
GVM - Standard machine , kg
Sludge discharge
Contact us
Viktors Igošins
Sales Manager of Municipal Equipment

About the product

The 34 different tanks composing the entire range are completely new: they have new diameters and use types of front and rear ends which enable an optimization of the developed capacity, over-all dimensions being equal. This enables Elegance equipment to satisfy all requirements of our clientele in full respect of road rules.  The Elegance range foresees three different solutions for water containment: the side tanks in polyethylene, the front compartment and the double inner tank.

Technical specifications

