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A, Linde. Very narrow aisle

The Linde A man-down turret truck embodies a high throughput rate in particularly narrow aisles. This is achieved by a modern drive train that even at maximum lift heights can achieve high-speed lifting and travel. In addition, the forklift can travel and lift at the same time.
Load capacity , (kg)
Lifting height, (mm)
to 8455
Travel speed , (with/without)
Battery, (V/Ah)
48 V/420-1240 Ah
Seating position
Contact us
Andris Pakalniņš
Linde Sales Manager

About the product

The Linde A man-down turret truck embodies a high throughput rate in particularly narrow aisles. This is achieved by a modern drive train that even at maximum lift heights can achieve high-speed lifting and travel. In addition, the forklift can travel and lift at the same time. Just as important are the residual lift capacity, and various camera and assistance systems. They assist with such things as navigation in the warehouse, accident prevention or facilitating rapid handling at high levels. The VNA truck A is of modular construction. The customer can choose from different motors, batteries, lift masts, chassis and many other features to meet his operating requirements.

Technical specifications

A, Linde.




Three point operation
Pre-adjustable travel, lift and lowering end stops. 
Optional personnel protection system


Multi-axis control levers 
Highly adjustable seat 
Cab with storage capacity


Good residual lift capacity 
Modern assistance systems 
Numerous positioning aids 
Electronic support functions